
आइक्यूब पर रिव्यू Rajib Kumar Subedi द्वारा


91 रिव्यूज़
245 रेटिंग्स

iQube after three months driving experience.

40 weeks ago

Rajib Kumar Subedi

रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

(5 में से)


विशुअल अपील






वैल्यू फॉर मनी

समीक्षक के बारे में

इस्तेमाल किया

डेली कम्यूट

ओन्ड फ़ॉर

3 से 6 महीने

रिडिन फ़ॉर

<5000 किलोमीटर

My father bought this electric scooter on 26-05-2023. Since then I have been riding it regularly. Its power is very nice and its range is 105 KM if driven single but pillion. Driving shows a lesser range. This scooter is best for the city. But under sit space is 15 or 16ltr. Compared to others it is very small. Hopefully, the design team will try to make a bigger space under the seat of this scooter.

टीवीएस आइक्यूब पर टिप्स

Under seat space could have been made bigger which will be useful for city riders for marketing goods. Other electric scooter have made 35 liters space but this iqube has only 15 liters.

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आइक्यूब पर और रिव्यूज़

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  • सकारात्मक (36)
  • Charging problem

    1 week ago


    This scooter has many problems like charging problems, service problems, bad performance and the parts are loose because the nuts are also cheap quality. In comparison, ola is best for this.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • TVS not ready for EV just selling cheap china made vehicle

    7 weeks ago

    Sachin Baheti

    Please don't buy it. Worst riding and service experience. Within a year lock was damaged 2 times and in turning and the speed breaker the vehicle gave an alert buzzing sound and the vehicle stopped running.
    Repaired about 10 times but the technician doesn't know how to repair changing software and sensor and charging for lock and sensor. But can't able to remove the alert.
    Above all side stand retract. The vehicle can stop running anywhere and restart doesn't work unless you again retract the side stand to start running horribly can get an accident anywhere with this system

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Apart from the high buying price, high maintenance cost, and too many alerts

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best motorcycle.

    7 weeks ago

    Ujwala Gadhve

    Very nice, I like this motorcycle very much it's easy to handle and use it is value to money and efficient motorcycle best electric motorcycle in the world delivered in very good condition Everyone should buy this TVS motorcycle it's comfort is worth to price you should try tubeless tires with this it will be the most comfortable vehicle.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good one.

    7 weeks ago


    The iQube has a lithium-ion battery that lasts for 800 cycles, or 75,000 kilometers. If you drive 30 kilometers per day, this will give you a life of about 9 years. A new battery can cost between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. iQube has a subtle and comfortable ride, with the suspension absorbing most of the bad patches.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • "Power Up Your Ride: A Thrilling Experience with E-Bikes!" when you ride an TVS iCube

    8 weeks ago

    Manoj Sehgal

    Buying Experience: My buying experience with an e-bike TVS i Qube was smooth and hassle-free. The ordering process was straightforward, and the customer support team was quick to respond to my questions. Delivery was prompt, and the bike arrived in excellent condition, well-packaged, and ready for assembly. Riding the e-bike has been a joy, offering a smooth and efficient way to commute. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the purchase and would recommend the e-bike and the retailer to others too.
    Riding Experience: Riding on TVS i Cube has been an exhilarating and efficient experience. The pedal-assist feature makes it easy to tackle hills and headwinds, while the smooth acceleration ensures a comfortable ride. The bike handles well and feels stable, providing confidence on different terrains. The battery life is impressive, allowing for extended rides without worrying about recharging frequently. Overall, riding the e-bike has made commuting and leisure rides more enjoyable and accessible.
    Details about looks, performance etc: The e-bike's TVS iCube aesthetics are modern and stylish, with a sleek design that blends seamlessly with the electric components. Its build quality feels sturdy and durable, reflecting careful attention to detail. In terms of performance, the e-bike excels in both power and efficiency. The motor delivers smooth, quiet acceleration, making uphill climbs and longer rides much easier. The responsive brakes and versatile gear system contribute to a smooth and controlled riding experience. Overall, the e-bike combines eye-catching looks with different variants of colors with impressive looks and performance, making it a great choice for any bike rider.
    Servicing & Maintenance: The service and maintenance of my e-bike have been relatively straightforward. The battery requires regular charging for a minimum period of 4 Hours but it holds a good charge and lasts for several rides. Routine maintenance, such as checking tire pressure and chain lubrication, is simple and keeps the bike running smoothly as we get numerous gadgets over Flipkart and Amazon. Customer support from the manufacturer has been helpful for any queries about servicing or troubleshooting but the waiting time is more. Overall, the service and maintenance are manageable and contribute to a reliable and enjoyable riding experience.
    Pros: E-bikes offer efficient and effortless commuting, especially with the pedal-assist feature, making uphill rides and long distances easier. They are eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint compared to cars. E-bikes are versatile and suitable for various terrains and conditions, and the modern design often looks stylish.
    Cons: The initial cost of an E-bike can be higher than a traditional bike. Maintenance and repairs may also be more expensive due to the availability of electric components. The weight of the battery and motor can make the bike heavier and harder to maneuver when the battery is off. Additionally, battery charging requires planning to avoid running out of power while on a ride.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Proper maintenance of an e-bike is essential for its longevity and performance. Here are some key tips for other riders to keep their e-bikes in top shape: 1. Battery Care: Charge Properly: Use the correct charger and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging your battery. Avoid Overcharging: Disconnect the charger when the battery is full to avoid overcharging. Store Safely: Keep the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use, especially during long storage periods. 2. Tire Maintenance: Check Tire Pressure: Regularly check the tire pressure and maintain it at the recommended levels for a smooth ride and better efficiency. Inspect for Wear: Check tires for signs of wear and replace them if necessary. 3. Brake Maintenance: Check Brake Pads: Inspect brake pads regularly for wear and replace them if they are too worn down. Adjust Brakes: Make sure the brakes are properly aligned and adjusted for optimal performance. 4. Chain and Gearing: Clean and Lubricate Chain: Clean the chain regularly and lubricate it to ensure smooth shifting and a longer lifespan. Check for Wear: Inspect the chain and gears for wear and replace them if needed. 5. Electrical Components: Inspect Wiring: Check the wiring for any signs of wear or damage and fix them promptly. Keep Dry: Avoid riding in heavy rain or submerging the e-bike in water, as this can damage electrical components. 6. General Maintenance: Regular Inspections: Check your e-bike regularly for loose bolts, worn parts, and other maintenance needs. Keep It Clean: Clean your e-bike regularly to prevent dirt and debris from causing damage. By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your e-bike running smoothly and extend its lifespan. Good Luck

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good as family vehicle

    9 weeks ago

    Abhishek Bhardwaj

    When it comes to picking out the perfect electric scooter for my darling wife, one particular model has really caught my attention. It's made by TVS, a brand with a stellar reputation and decades of experience in crafting top-notch two-wheelers. What sets this scooter apart is its impressive range, stunning design, and a whole array of features that make it stand out from the crowd. First and foremost, the range of this scooter is quite impressive.
    With TVS's expertise behind it, I have full confidence that it will deliver reliable performance and enough battery life to cover longer distances without any worries about running out of power halfway through the journey. And let's talk about its looks! The design of this scooter is simply breathtaking. It's sleek, modern, and downright stylish. I can already imagine my wife zipping around town on it, turning heads and making a statement wherever she goes.
    But it's not just about looks – this scooter is packed with features that make it incredibly practical and convenient to use. From advanced safety features to intuitive controls, every aspect has been carefully thought out to provide a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Whether she's commuting to work or running errands around town, I know this scooter will make her journeys a breeze. And what really seals the deal for me is the fact that it's made by TVS. With their reputation for quality and innovation,
    I know I can trust that this scooter is built to last and will deliver exceptional performance for years to come. In conclusion, the electric scooter from TVS is the perfect choice for my wife. With its impressive range, stunning design, and the backing of a reputable brand, it's a decision I can make with complete confidence, knowing that she'll have a reliable and stylish mode of transportation for all her adventures.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






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    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    कभी स्वामित्व नहीं

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    no as such

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Nice overpriced bike. Fun riding it. Do check if within 3-4 years you can save at least its price by the difference of petrol......

    9 weeks ago


    Good bike. I've driven it around 500 kms average kms per charge is around 80-86. Comfortable ride good looks takes too much time to charge. But is overpriced. Comparing it with any other of its type- it's better. Do check if, within 3-4 years of your ride, you can save at least the price of your bike by the difference in the price of petrol

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    It is a hub motor So I think you may have to ride these hub types of bikes with care. Protect it from very heavy jerks and rest it well the cost of the battery, charger n motor is very high If it's out of warranty it'll turn up to be a major cost & may exceed your savings from petrol so think properly before buying an electric scooter( any)

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best EV scooter ever seen

    10 weeks ago

    Rupinder Singh

    Best EV scooter I have ever seen. We have two of them one is Standard and another is an S variant both the scooters are very good, comfortable, and easy to use for my parents. I know the price is somewhere high but it is worth that money. Its battery pack must be improved 105 km is not enough but it gives 110-115 km sometimes if we ride properly and use regn properly. Its apps sometimes suck but they can be improved. Service is also not expensive, it's just 650rs. For 4000km. So, the final verdict is that you must buy this scooter we have two of them first Standard variant was bought 1 year ago in Feb 2023 and we bought another S variant in Feb 2024 again because we loved their vehicle and service.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best Buy and Great Savings

    12 weeks ago

    Reena Desai

    I got transferred to Bangalore, I needed a vehicle to commute, what Better than TVS iQube? Easy to charge, convenient to ride in a new city. Great savings on Fuel. Not feeling the pinch of Petrol Prices Hiked. For a lady like me, the scooter is lightweight. Looks great. amazing features to ride with.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    5000 से 10000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Not to buy this bike

    12 weeks ago

    Vijay Kumar

    The day I bought the bike was good, but after 2 days the issues started, from the past 5 months we have given more than 20 times for servicing, and this bike is more at the service centre than with me 😂 the service persons are delaying wanted because, if warranty complete so we can put our money for service, especially ranijang.. I tell people not to buy this bike… which I don’t mistake….

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Charging problem

    1 week ago


    This scooter has many problems like charging problems, service problems, bad performance and the parts are loose because the nuts are also cheap quality. In comparison, ola is best for this.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • TVS not ready for EV just selling cheap china made vehicle

    7 weeks ago

    Sachin Baheti

    Please don't buy it. Worst riding and service experience. Within a year lock was damaged 2 times and in turning and the speed breaker the vehicle gave an alert buzzing sound and the vehicle stopped running.
    Repaired about 10 times but the technician doesn't know how to repair changing software and sensor and charging for lock and sensor. But can't able to remove the alert.
    Above all side stand retract. The vehicle can stop running anywhere and restart doesn't work unless you again retract the side stand to start running horribly can get an accident anywhere with this system

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Apart from the high buying price, high maintenance cost, and too many alerts

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best motorcycle.

    7 weeks ago

    Ujwala Gadhve

    Very nice, I like this motorcycle very much it's easy to handle and use it is value to money and efficient motorcycle best electric motorcycle in the world delivered in very good condition Everyone should buy this TVS motorcycle it's comfort is worth to price you should try tubeless tires with this it will be the most comfortable vehicle.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good one.

    7 weeks ago


    The iQube has a lithium-ion battery that lasts for 800 cycles, or 75,000 kilometers. If you drive 30 kilometers per day, this will give you a life of about 9 years. A new battery can cost between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. iQube has a subtle and comfortable ride, with the suspension absorbing most of the bad patches.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • "Power Up Your Ride: A Thrilling Experience with E-Bikes!" when you ride an TVS iCube

    8 weeks ago

    Manoj Sehgal

    Buying Experience: My buying experience with an e-bike TVS i Qube was smooth and hassle-free. The ordering process was straightforward, and the customer support team was quick to respond to my questions. Delivery was prompt, and the bike arrived in excellent condition, well-packaged, and ready for assembly. Riding the e-bike has been a joy, offering a smooth and efficient way to commute. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the purchase and would recommend the e-bike and the retailer to others too.
    Riding Experience: Riding on TVS i Cube has been an exhilarating and efficient experience. The pedal-assist feature makes it easy to tackle hills and headwinds, while the smooth acceleration ensures a comfortable ride. The bike handles well and feels stable, providing confidence on different terrains. The battery life is impressive, allowing for extended rides without worrying about recharging frequently. Overall, riding the e-bike has made commuting and leisure rides more enjoyable and accessible.
    Details about looks, performance etc: The e-bike's TVS iCube aesthetics are modern and stylish, with a sleek design that blends seamlessly with the electric components. Its build quality feels sturdy and durable, reflecting careful attention to detail. In terms of performance, the e-bike excels in both power and efficiency. The motor delivers smooth, quiet acceleration, making uphill climbs and longer rides much easier. The responsive brakes and versatile gear system contribute to a smooth and controlled riding experience. Overall, the e-bike combines eye-catching looks with different variants of colors with impressive looks and performance, making it a great choice for any bike rider.
    Servicing & Maintenance: The service and maintenance of my e-bike have been relatively straightforward. The battery requires regular charging for a minimum period of 4 Hours but it holds a good charge and lasts for several rides. Routine maintenance, such as checking tire pressure and chain lubrication, is simple and keeps the bike running smoothly as we get numerous gadgets over Flipkart and Amazon. Customer support from the manufacturer has been helpful for any queries about servicing or troubleshooting but the waiting time is more. Overall, the service and maintenance are manageable and contribute to a reliable and enjoyable riding experience.
    Pros: E-bikes offer efficient and effortless commuting, especially with the pedal-assist feature, making uphill rides and long distances easier. They are eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint compared to cars. E-bikes are versatile and suitable for various terrains and conditions, and the modern design often looks stylish.
    Cons: The initial cost of an E-bike can be higher than a traditional bike. Maintenance and repairs may also be more expensive due to the availability of electric components. The weight of the battery and motor can make the bike heavier and harder to maneuver when the battery is off. Additionally, battery charging requires planning to avoid running out of power while on a ride.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Proper maintenance of an e-bike is essential for its longevity and performance. Here are some key tips for other riders to keep their e-bikes in top shape: 1. Battery Care: Charge Properly: Use the correct charger and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging your battery. Avoid Overcharging: Disconnect the charger when the battery is full to avoid overcharging. Store Safely: Keep the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use, especially during long storage periods. 2. Tire Maintenance: Check Tire Pressure: Regularly check the tire pressure and maintain it at the recommended levels for a smooth ride and better efficiency. Inspect for Wear: Check tires for signs of wear and replace them if necessary. 3. Brake Maintenance: Check Brake Pads: Inspect brake pads regularly for wear and replace them if they are too worn down. Adjust Brakes: Make sure the brakes are properly aligned and adjusted for optimal performance. 4. Chain and Gearing: Clean and Lubricate Chain: Clean the chain regularly and lubricate it to ensure smooth shifting and a longer lifespan. Check for Wear: Inspect the chain and gears for wear and replace them if needed. 5. Electrical Components: Inspect Wiring: Check the wiring for any signs of wear or damage and fix them promptly. Keep Dry: Avoid riding in heavy rain or submerging the e-bike in water, as this can damage electrical components. 6. General Maintenance: Regular Inspections: Check your e-bike regularly for loose bolts, worn parts, and other maintenance needs. Keep It Clean: Clean your e-bike regularly to prevent dirt and debris from causing damage. By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your e-bike running smoothly and extend its lifespan. Good Luck

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good as family vehicle

    9 weeks ago

    Abhishek Bhardwaj

    When it comes to picking out the perfect electric scooter for my darling wife, one particular model has really caught my attention. It's made by TVS, a brand with a stellar reputation and decades of experience in crafting top-notch two-wheelers. What sets this scooter apart is its impressive range, stunning design, and a whole array of features that make it stand out from the crowd. First and foremost, the range of this scooter is quite impressive.
    With TVS's expertise behind it, I have full confidence that it will deliver reliable performance and enough battery life to cover longer distances without any worries about running out of power halfway through the journey. And let's talk about its looks! The design of this scooter is simply breathtaking. It's sleek, modern, and downright stylish. I can already imagine my wife zipping around town on it, turning heads and making a statement wherever she goes.
    But it's not just about looks – this scooter is packed with features that make it incredibly practical and convenient to use. From advanced safety features to intuitive controls, every aspect has been carefully thought out to provide a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Whether she's commuting to work or running errands around town, I know this scooter will make her journeys a breeze. And what really seals the deal for me is the fact that it's made by TVS. With their reputation for quality and innovation,
    I know I can trust that this scooter is built to last and will deliver exceptional performance for years to come. In conclusion, the electric scooter from TVS is the perfect choice for my wife. With its impressive range, stunning design, and the backing of a reputable brand, it's a decision I can make with complete confidence, knowing that she'll have a reliable and stylish mode of transportation for all her adventures.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    कभी स्वामित्व नहीं

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    no as such

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Nice overpriced bike. Fun riding it. Do check if within 3-4 years you can save at least its price by the difference of petrol......

    9 weeks ago


    Good bike. I've driven it around 500 kms average kms per charge is around 80-86. Comfortable ride good looks takes too much time to charge. But is overpriced. Comparing it with any other of its type- it's better. Do check if, within 3-4 years of your ride, you can save at least the price of your bike by the difference in the price of petrol

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    It is a hub motor So I think you may have to ride these hub types of bikes with care. Protect it from very heavy jerks and rest it well the cost of the battery, charger n motor is very high If it's out of warranty it'll turn up to be a major cost & may exceed your savings from petrol so think properly before buying an electric scooter( any)

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best EV scooter ever seen

    10 weeks ago

    Rupinder Singh

    Best EV scooter I have ever seen. We have two of them one is Standard and another is an S variant both the scooters are very good, comfortable, and easy to use for my parents. I know the price is somewhere high but it is worth that money. Its battery pack must be improved 105 km is not enough but it gives 110-115 km sometimes if we ride properly and use regn properly. Its apps sometimes suck but they can be improved. Service is also not expensive, it's just 650rs. For 4000km. So, the final verdict is that you must buy this scooter we have two of them first Standard variant was bought 1 year ago in Feb 2023 and we bought another S variant in Feb 2024 again because we loved their vehicle and service.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best Buy and Great Savings

    12 weeks ago

    Reena Desai

    I got transferred to Bangalore, I needed a vehicle to commute, what Better than TVS iQube? Easy to charge, convenient to ride in a new city. Great savings on Fuel. Not feeling the pinch of Petrol Prices Hiked. For a lady like me, the scooter is lightweight. Looks great. amazing features to ride with.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    5000 से 10000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Not to buy this bike

    12 weeks ago

    Vijay Kumar

    The day I bought the bike was good, but after 2 days the issues started, from the past 5 months we have given more than 20 times for servicing, and this bike is more at the service centre than with me 😂 the service persons are delaying wanted because, if warranty complete so we can put our money for service, especially ranijang.. I tell people not to buy this bike… which I don’t mistake….

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Charging problem

    1 week ago


    This scooter has many problems like charging problems, service problems, bad performance and the parts are loose because the nuts are also cheap quality. In comparison, ola is best for this.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • TVS not ready for EV just selling cheap china made vehicle

    7 weeks ago

    Sachin Baheti

    Please don't buy it. Worst riding and service experience. Within a year lock was damaged 2 times and in turning and the speed breaker the vehicle gave an alert buzzing sound and the vehicle stopped running.
    Repaired about 10 times but the technician doesn't know how to repair changing software and sensor and charging for lock and sensor. But can't able to remove the alert.
    Above all side stand retract. The vehicle can stop running anywhere and restart doesn't work unless you again retract the side stand to start running horribly can get an accident anywhere with this system

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Apart from the high buying price, high maintenance cost, and too many alerts

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best motorcycle.

    7 weeks ago

    Ujwala Gadhve

    Very nice, I like this motorcycle very much it's easy to handle and use it is value to money and efficient motorcycle best electric motorcycle in the world delivered in very good condition Everyone should buy this TVS motorcycle it's comfort is worth to price you should try tubeless tires with this it will be the most comfortable vehicle.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good one.

    7 weeks ago


    The iQube has a lithium-ion battery that lasts for 800 cycles, or 75,000 kilometers. If you drive 30 kilometers per day, this will give you a life of about 9 years. A new battery can cost between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. iQube has a subtle and comfortable ride, with the suspension absorbing most of the bad patches.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • "Power Up Your Ride: A Thrilling Experience with E-Bikes!" when you ride an TVS iCube

    8 weeks ago

    Manoj Sehgal

    Buying Experience: My buying experience with an e-bike TVS i Qube was smooth and hassle-free. The ordering process was straightforward, and the customer support team was quick to respond to my questions. Delivery was prompt, and the bike arrived in excellent condition, well-packaged, and ready for assembly. Riding the e-bike has been a joy, offering a smooth and efficient way to commute. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the purchase and would recommend the e-bike and the retailer to others too.
    Riding Experience: Riding on TVS i Cube has been an exhilarating and efficient experience. The pedal-assist feature makes it easy to tackle hills and headwinds, while the smooth acceleration ensures a comfortable ride. The bike handles well and feels stable, providing confidence on different terrains. The battery life is impressive, allowing for extended rides without worrying about recharging frequently. Overall, riding the e-bike has made commuting and leisure rides more enjoyable and accessible.
    Details about looks, performance etc: The e-bike's TVS iCube aesthetics are modern and stylish, with a sleek design that blends seamlessly with the electric components. Its build quality feels sturdy and durable, reflecting careful attention to detail. In terms of performance, the e-bike excels in both power and efficiency. The motor delivers smooth, quiet acceleration, making uphill climbs and longer rides much easier. The responsive brakes and versatile gear system contribute to a smooth and controlled riding experience. Overall, the e-bike combines eye-catching looks with different variants of colors with impressive looks and performance, making it a great choice for any bike rider.
    Servicing & Maintenance: The service and maintenance of my e-bike have been relatively straightforward. The battery requires regular charging for a minimum period of 4 Hours but it holds a good charge and lasts for several rides. Routine maintenance, such as checking tire pressure and chain lubrication, is simple and keeps the bike running smoothly as we get numerous gadgets over Flipkart and Amazon. Customer support from the manufacturer has been helpful for any queries about servicing or troubleshooting but the waiting time is more. Overall, the service and maintenance are manageable and contribute to a reliable and enjoyable riding experience.
    Pros: E-bikes offer efficient and effortless commuting, especially with the pedal-assist feature, making uphill rides and long distances easier. They are eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint compared to cars. E-bikes are versatile and suitable for various terrains and conditions, and the modern design often looks stylish.
    Cons: The initial cost of an E-bike can be higher than a traditional bike. Maintenance and repairs may also be more expensive due to the availability of electric components. The weight of the battery and motor can make the bike heavier and harder to maneuver when the battery is off. Additionally, battery charging requires planning to avoid running out of power while on a ride.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Proper maintenance of an e-bike is essential for its longevity and performance. Here are some key tips for other riders to keep their e-bikes in top shape: 1. Battery Care: Charge Properly: Use the correct charger and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging your battery. Avoid Overcharging: Disconnect the charger when the battery is full to avoid overcharging. Store Safely: Keep the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use, especially during long storage periods. 2. Tire Maintenance: Check Tire Pressure: Regularly check the tire pressure and maintain it at the recommended levels for a smooth ride and better efficiency. Inspect for Wear: Check tires for signs of wear and replace them if necessary. 3. Brake Maintenance: Check Brake Pads: Inspect brake pads regularly for wear and replace them if they are too worn down. Adjust Brakes: Make sure the brakes are properly aligned and adjusted for optimal performance. 4. Chain and Gearing: Clean and Lubricate Chain: Clean the chain regularly and lubricate it to ensure smooth shifting and a longer lifespan. Check for Wear: Inspect the chain and gears for wear and replace them if needed. 5. Electrical Components: Inspect Wiring: Check the wiring for any signs of wear or damage and fix them promptly. Keep Dry: Avoid riding in heavy rain or submerging the e-bike in water, as this can damage electrical components. 6. General Maintenance: Regular Inspections: Check your e-bike regularly for loose bolts, worn parts, and other maintenance needs. Keep It Clean: Clean your e-bike regularly to prevent dirt and debris from causing damage. By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your e-bike running smoothly and extend its lifespan. Good Luck

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good as family vehicle

    9 weeks ago

    Abhishek Bhardwaj

    When it comes to picking out the perfect electric scooter for my darling wife, one particular model has really caught my attention. It's made by TVS, a brand with a stellar reputation and decades of experience in crafting top-notch two-wheelers. What sets this scooter apart is its impressive range, stunning design, and a whole array of features that make it stand out from the crowd. First and foremost, the range of this scooter is quite impressive.
    With TVS's expertise behind it, I have full confidence that it will deliver reliable performance and enough battery life to cover longer distances without any worries about running out of power halfway through the journey. And let's talk about its looks! The design of this scooter is simply breathtaking. It's sleek, modern, and downright stylish. I can already imagine my wife zipping around town on it, turning heads and making a statement wherever she goes.
    But it's not just about looks – this scooter is packed with features that make it incredibly practical and convenient to use. From advanced safety features to intuitive controls, every aspect has been carefully thought out to provide a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Whether she's commuting to work or running errands around town, I know this scooter will make her journeys a breeze. And what really seals the deal for me is the fact that it's made by TVS. With their reputation for quality and innovation,
    I know I can trust that this scooter is built to last and will deliver exceptional performance for years to come. In conclusion, the electric scooter from TVS is the perfect choice for my wife. With its impressive range, stunning design, and the backing of a reputable brand, it's a decision I can make with complete confidence, knowing that she'll have a reliable and stylish mode of transportation for all her adventures.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    कभी स्वामित्व नहीं

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    no as such

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Nice overpriced bike. Fun riding it. Do check if within 3-4 years you can save at least its price by the difference of petrol......

    9 weeks ago


    Good bike. I've driven it around 500 kms average kms per charge is around 80-86. Comfortable ride good looks takes too much time to charge. But is overpriced. Comparing it with any other of its type- it's better. Do check if, within 3-4 years of your ride, you can save at least the price of your bike by the difference in the price of petrol

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    It is a hub motor So I think you may have to ride these hub types of bikes with care. Protect it from very heavy jerks and rest it well the cost of the battery, charger n motor is very high If it's out of warranty it'll turn up to be a major cost & may exceed your savings from petrol so think properly before buying an electric scooter( any)

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best EV scooter ever seen

    10 weeks ago

    Rupinder Singh

    Best EV scooter I have ever seen. We have two of them one is Standard and another is an S variant both the scooters are very good, comfortable, and easy to use for my parents. I know the price is somewhere high but it is worth that money. Its battery pack must be improved 105 km is not enough but it gives 110-115 km sometimes if we ride properly and use regn properly. Its apps sometimes suck but they can be improved. Service is also not expensive, it's just 650rs. For 4000km. So, the final verdict is that you must buy this scooter we have two of them first Standard variant was bought 1 year ago in Feb 2023 and we bought another S variant in Feb 2024 again because we loved their vehicle and service.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best Buy and Great Savings

    12 weeks ago

    Reena Desai

    I got transferred to Bangalore, I needed a vehicle to commute, what Better than TVS iQube? Easy to charge, convenient to ride in a new city. Great savings on Fuel. Not feeling the pinch of Petrol Prices Hiked. For a lady like me, the scooter is lightweight. Looks great. amazing features to ride with.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    5000 से 10000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Not to buy this bike

    12 weeks ago

    Vijay Kumar

    The day I bought the bike was good, but after 2 days the issues started, from the past 5 months we have given more than 20 times for servicing, and this bike is more at the service centre than with me 😂 the service persons are delaying wanted because, if warranty complete so we can put our money for service, especially ranijang.. I tell people not to buy this bike… which I don’t mistake….

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Charging problem

    1 week ago


    This scooter has many problems like charging problems, service problems, bad performance and the parts are loose because the nuts are also cheap quality. In comparison, ola is best for this.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • TVS not ready for EV just selling cheap china made vehicle

    7 weeks ago

    Sachin Baheti

    Please don't buy it. Worst riding and service experience. Within a year lock was damaged 2 times and in turning and the speed breaker the vehicle gave an alert buzzing sound and the vehicle stopped running.
    Repaired about 10 times but the technician doesn't know how to repair changing software and sensor and charging for lock and sensor. But can't able to remove the alert.
    Above all side stand retract. The vehicle can stop running anywhere and restart doesn't work unless you again retract the side stand to start running horribly can get an accident anywhere with this system

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Apart from the high buying price, high maintenance cost, and too many alerts

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best motorcycle.

    7 weeks ago

    Ujwala Gadhve

    Very nice, I like this motorcycle very much it's easy to handle and use it is value to money and efficient motorcycle best electric motorcycle in the world delivered in very good condition Everyone should buy this TVS motorcycle it's comfort is worth to price you should try tubeless tires with this it will be the most comfortable vehicle.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good one.

    7 weeks ago


    The iQube has a lithium-ion battery that lasts for 800 cycles, or 75,000 kilometers. If you drive 30 kilometers per day, this will give you a life of about 9 years. A new battery can cost between Rs. 40,000 to Rs. 50,000. iQube has a subtle and comfortable ride, with the suspension absorbing most of the bad patches.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    6 महीने से 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Use tubeless tyres

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • "Power Up Your Ride: A Thrilling Experience with E-Bikes!" when you ride an TVS iCube

    8 weeks ago

    Manoj Sehgal

    Buying Experience: My buying experience with an e-bike TVS i Qube was smooth and hassle-free. The ordering process was straightforward, and the customer support team was quick to respond to my questions. Delivery was prompt, and the bike arrived in excellent condition, well-packaged, and ready for assembly. Riding the e-bike has been a joy, offering a smooth and efficient way to commute. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the purchase and would recommend the e-bike and the retailer to others too.
    Riding Experience: Riding on TVS i Cube has been an exhilarating and efficient experience. The pedal-assist feature makes it easy to tackle hills and headwinds, while the smooth acceleration ensures a comfortable ride. The bike handles well and feels stable, providing confidence on different terrains. The battery life is impressive, allowing for extended rides without worrying about recharging frequently. Overall, riding the e-bike has made commuting and leisure rides more enjoyable and accessible.
    Details about looks, performance etc: The e-bike's TVS iCube aesthetics are modern and stylish, with a sleek design that blends seamlessly with the electric components. Its build quality feels sturdy and durable, reflecting careful attention to detail. In terms of performance, the e-bike excels in both power and efficiency. The motor delivers smooth, quiet acceleration, making uphill climbs and longer rides much easier. The responsive brakes and versatile gear system contribute to a smooth and controlled riding experience. Overall, the e-bike combines eye-catching looks with different variants of colors with impressive looks and performance, making it a great choice for any bike rider.
    Servicing & Maintenance: The service and maintenance of my e-bike have been relatively straightforward. The battery requires regular charging for a minimum period of 4 Hours but it holds a good charge and lasts for several rides. Routine maintenance, such as checking tire pressure and chain lubrication, is simple and keeps the bike running smoothly as we get numerous gadgets over Flipkart and Amazon. Customer support from the manufacturer has been helpful for any queries about servicing or troubleshooting but the waiting time is more. Overall, the service and maintenance are manageable and contribute to a reliable and enjoyable riding experience.
    Pros: E-bikes offer efficient and effortless commuting, especially with the pedal-assist feature, making uphill rides and long distances easier. They are eco-friendly, reducing the carbon footprint compared to cars. E-bikes are versatile and suitable for various terrains and conditions, and the modern design often looks stylish.
    Cons: The initial cost of an E-bike can be higher than a traditional bike. Maintenance and repairs may also be more expensive due to the availability of electric components. The weight of the battery and motor can make the bike heavier and harder to maneuver when the battery is off. Additionally, battery charging requires planning to avoid running out of power while on a ride.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    Proper maintenance of an e-bike is essential for its longevity and performance. Here are some key tips for other riders to keep their e-bikes in top shape: 1. Battery Care: Charge Properly: Use the correct charger and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging your battery. Avoid Overcharging: Disconnect the charger when the battery is full to avoid overcharging. Store Safely: Keep the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use, especially during long storage periods. 2. Tire Maintenance: Check Tire Pressure: Regularly check the tire pressure and maintain it at the recommended levels for a smooth ride and better efficiency. Inspect for Wear: Check tires for signs of wear and replace them if necessary. 3. Brake Maintenance: Check Brake Pads: Inspect brake pads regularly for wear and replace them if they are too worn down. Adjust Brakes: Make sure the brakes are properly aligned and adjusted for optimal performance. 4. Chain and Gearing: Clean and Lubricate Chain: Clean the chain regularly and lubricate it to ensure smooth shifting and a longer lifespan. Check for Wear: Inspect the chain and gears for wear and replace them if needed. 5. Electrical Components: Inspect Wiring: Check the wiring for any signs of wear or damage and fix them promptly. Keep Dry: Avoid riding in heavy rain or submerging the e-bike in water, as this can damage electrical components. 6. General Maintenance: Regular Inspections: Check your e-bike regularly for loose bolts, worn parts, and other maintenance needs. Keep It Clean: Clean your e-bike regularly to prevent dirt and debris from causing damage. By following these maintenance tips, you can keep your e-bike running smoothly and extend its lifespan. Good Luck

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Good as family vehicle

    9 weeks ago

    Abhishek Bhardwaj

    When it comes to picking out the perfect electric scooter for my darling wife, one particular model has really caught my attention. It's made by TVS, a brand with a stellar reputation and decades of experience in crafting top-notch two-wheelers. What sets this scooter apart is its impressive range, stunning design, and a whole array of features that make it stand out from the crowd. First and foremost, the range of this scooter is quite impressive.
    With TVS's expertise behind it, I have full confidence that it will deliver reliable performance and enough battery life to cover longer distances without any worries about running out of power halfway through the journey. And let's talk about its looks! The design of this scooter is simply breathtaking. It's sleek, modern, and downright stylish. I can already imagine my wife zipping around town on it, turning heads and making a statement wherever she goes.
    But it's not just about looks – this scooter is packed with features that make it incredibly practical and convenient to use. From advanced safety features to intuitive controls, every aspect has been carefully thought out to provide a smooth and enjoyable riding experience. Whether she's commuting to work or running errands around town, I know this scooter will make her journeys a breeze. And what really seals the deal for me is the fact that it's made by TVS. With their reputation for quality and innovation,
    I know I can trust that this scooter is built to last and will deliver exceptional performance for years to come. In conclusion, the electric scooter from TVS is the perfect choice for my wife. With its impressive range, stunning design, and the backing of a reputable brand, it's a decision I can make with complete confidence, knowing that she'll have a reliable and stylish mode of transportation for all her adventures.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    हर एक चीज़

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    कभी स्वामित्व नहीं

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    no as such

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Nice overpriced bike. Fun riding it. Do check if within 3-4 years you can save at least its price by the difference of petrol......

    9 weeks ago


    Good bike. I've driven it around 500 kms average kms per charge is around 80-86. Comfortable ride good looks takes too much time to charge. But is overpriced. Comparing it with any other of its type- it's better. Do check if, within 3-4 years of your ride, you can save at least the price of your bike by the difference in the price of petrol

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    <3 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    अन्य सवारियों के लिए टिप्स

    It is a hub motor So I think you may have to ride these hub types of bikes with care. Protect it from very heavy jerks and rest it well the cost of the battery, charger n motor is very high If it's out of warranty it'll turn up to be a major cost & may exceed your savings from petrol so think properly before buying an electric scooter( any)

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best EV scooter ever seen

    10 weeks ago

    Rupinder Singh

    Best EV scooter I have ever seen. We have two of them one is Standard and another is an S variant both the scooters are very good, comfortable, and easy to use for my parents. I know the price is somewhere high but it is worth that money. Its battery pack must be improved 105 km is not enough but it gives 110-115 km sometimes if we ride properly and use regn properly. Its apps sometimes suck but they can be improved. Service is also not expensive, it's just 650rs. For 4000km. So, the final verdict is that you must buy this scooter we have two of them first Standard variant was bought 1 year ago in Feb 2023 and we bought another S variant in Feb 2024 again because we loved their vehicle and service.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    > 1 साल

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    > 15000 किमी

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Best Buy and Great Savings

    12 weeks ago

    Reena Desai

    I got transferred to Bangalore, I needed a vehicle to commute, what Better than TVS iQube? Easy to charge, convenient to ride in a new city. Great savings on Fuel. Not feeling the pinch of Petrol Prices Hiked. For a lady like me, the scooter is lightweight. Looks great. amazing features to ride with.

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    5000 से 10000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



  • Not to buy this bike

    12 weeks ago

    Vijay Kumar

    The day I bought the bike was good, but after 2 days the issues started, from the past 5 months we have given more than 20 times for servicing, and this bike is more at the service centre than with me 😂 the service persons are delaying wanted because, if warranty complete so we can put our money for service, especially ranijang.. I tell people not to buy this bike… which I don’t mistake….

    रेटिंग पैरामीटर्स

    (5 में से)


    विशुअल अपील






    सेवा का अनुभव


    वैल्यू फॉर मनी

    समीक्षक के बारे में

    इस्तेमाल किया

    डेली कम्यूट

    ओन्ड फ़ॉर

    3 से 6 महीने

    रिडिन फ़ॉर

    <5000 किलोमीटर

    क्या इस रिव्यूज़ से कुछ मदद मिली?



स्कूटर्स आइक्यूब के जैसी

बजाज चेतक
बजाज चेतक
123 किमी|63 kmph|6 घंटे
₹ 96,965से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
ओला S1 प्रो
ओला S1 प्रो
195 किमी|120 kmph|6.5 घंटे
₹ 1,32,478से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
एथर रिज़्टा
एथर रिज़्टा
123 किमी|80 kmph|8.3 घंटे
₹ 1,10,889से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
एथर 450S
एथर 450S
115 किमी|90 kmph|8.3 घंटे
₹ 1,19,822से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
एमपियर प्राइमस
एमपियर प्राइमस
107 किमी|77 kmph|5 घंटे
₹ 1,19,900से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
ओला S1 एयर
ओला S1 एयर
151 किमी|90 kmph|5 घंटे
₹ 1,06,486से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
ओकिनावा रिज 100
ओकिनावा रिज 100
149 किमी|50 kmph|5-6 घंटे
₹ 1,15,311से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
एथर 450x
एथर 450x
111 किमी|90 kmph|8.36 घंटे
₹ 1,41,307से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
ओकिनावा ड्यूअल 100
ओकिनावा ड्यूअल 100
149 किमी|60 kmph|5-6 घंटे
₹ 1,19,085से शुरु
औसत एक्स-शोरूम प्राइस
रिव्यू लिखें
अपना अनुभव साझा करें
दूसरों की सही बाइक चुनने में मदद करें!