
BSA Goldstar 650 Mileage

As reported by BSA Goldstar 650 owners, the real mileage of Goldstar 650 is 26 kmpl. It delivers better mileage that 26% of cruisers.

Goldstar 650 Average

Owner reported mileage
26 kmpl

Where does Goldstar 650 stand among cruisers?

  • 26 %

    Goldstar 650 has better mileage than 26% of cruisers

  • 31 kmpl

    Average mileage among cruisers

Mileage of Bikes Similar to Goldstar 650

Fuel Cost Calculator

We help you calculate fuel expenses which you will incur by using BSA Goldstar 650. To check your monthly fuel expenses you just have to enter distance in kms you travel in a day and fuel price in your area. As per current inputs, monthly fuel cost for Goldstar 650 with mileage of 26 kmpl is ₹ 1961.

Your monthly running cost :

₹ 1961 / per month

Goldstar 650 Price in India

Mileage Related Tips & Advices

Top 10 Mileage Bikes in India

Are you looking for a fuel efficient bike? Check out our list of top 10 mileage bikes in India.

Goldstar 650 Mileage User Reviews


(33 Ratings) 1 Reviews

A beast in 650cc with quick pickup

6 weeks ago

Akash Chauhan

Booked the bike just after its launch, and riding it now for the last 3 months. The journey till now has been super smooth. I wanted a bike with quick pickup and an engine over 600cc and BSA suited well with my requirements.
Pros - Quick pickup, retro design, a cool looking design, decent mileage, a very well-balanced sound of Exhaust (not too low and not very loud), comfortable seat, and seat height is also a plus (good for short height riders)
Cons - Availability of spare parts. Had to wait for a couple of days to get a few spare parts like a back guard, and double/center stand.
Overall a pretty good bike in this segment. Best for daily rides. Being a heavy bike the handling is also very good to maneuver in traffic.

Rating Parameters

(out of 5)


Design and styling






Service experience


Value for money

About the Reviewer

Ridden for (If Owned)

0-5000 km

Got mileage of

28 kmpl

Was this review helpful?



BSA Goldstar 650 Mileage FAQs

Q: What is the average of BSA Goldstar 650?
Fuel economy of BSA Goldstar 650, as reported by its owners, is 26 kmpl.

Q: How can I get the best mileage from BSA Goldstar 650?
Extracting the best fuel economy involves practicing various techniques like judiciously modulating the throttle, limiting excessive gearshifts in case of geared motorcycles and turning-off the engine while you are idling in traffic.

Q: What is the monthly fuel cost for BSA Goldstar 650?
Assuming fuel price ₹ 102.25 per liter and an average running of 500 km/month, the monthly fuel cost for Goldstar 650 is ₹1961 per month. Click here to calculate your monthly fuel cost.
Bike loan offers

Looking to buy Goldstar 650 on EMI?

Check out the down payment and EMI options in your city. Use the EMI calculator to get the right combination suited to your needs.